News — tip

Australia's First Triple Tip iPad Stylus

The Kanga Triple Tip 3 in 1 Stylus Pen is a premium multi tip stylus that is perfect for professional digital artists and iPad enthusiasts alike. Australia's first iPad stylus with interchangeable tips. The premium quality Kanga is ideal for everything 'touch'. Sketching, navigating and painting on your iPad will be effortless.  The Kanga Triple Tip 3 in 1 Stylus Pen is a now available for pre order.   

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The Stylus Artist packs now available

Perfect for the professional digital artist, students or budding amateurs and enthusiasts... 3 Piece Stylus Artist Pack Dagi Disc Stylus Pen + Hex4.5 Fine Tip Stylus + Leonardo Brush Stylus Dagi Disc Stylus Pen: is a unique one. Durable, accurate and a completely different approach to any other stylus we sell. The clear tip at the end is a innovative plastic disc, mounted to the pen by a tiny spring that allows the disk to lie flat on the screen whatever the pen angle. - See more at: Dagi Disc Stylus Pen Hex4.5 Fine Tip Stylus: is for maximum accuracy, responsiveness and compatibility,...

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Leonardo Fine Tip production completed

Production of the Leonardo Fine Tip Stylus has been completed this week and stock has been shipped to our warehouse. We are expecting to have the all stock next week and hopefully start shipping orders from Wednesday 7th of August. Thanks a lot to all people waiting for their orders and thanks for being so patient.. Unfortunately this has taken almost 2 weeks longer than expected but we are very positive now and expect everybody to have their Leonardo Fine Tip Stylus pens by the 14th of August.  

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Leonardo Fine Tip Stylus in production

Production for the Leonardo Fine Tip Stylus has finally started. The stylus pen will be available for sale by the end of July 2013. The cutting machine cutting the pipe Freshly cut pipes. (Body of the  Leonardo Fine Tip Stylus ) This stylus pen will come with extra rubber and fibre tips that can be interchanged within seconds.

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