News — fine tipped iPad stylus pens
The Stylus Artist packs now available
Perfect for the professional digital artist, students or budding amateurs and enthusiasts... 3 Piece Stylus Artist Pack Dagi Disc Stylus Pen + Hex4.5 Fine Tip Stylus + Leonardo Brush Stylus Dagi Disc Stylus Pen: is a unique one. Durable, accurate and a completely different approach to any other stylus we sell. The clear tip at the end is a innovative plastic disc, mounted to the pen by a tiny spring that allows the disk to lie flat on the screen whatever the pen angle. - See more at: Dagi Disc Stylus Pen Hex4.5 Fine Tip Stylus: is for maximum accuracy, responsiveness and compatibility,...
Australia's largest range of fine tipped iPad stylus pens
This week we have frantically been filling pre-orders for our range of fine tipped stylus pens. Everything is stocked up but selling fast. Standard iPad stylus pens run an 8mm tip. We have a range of 4,5 & 6mm options in both traditional silicone tips and high touch tips.
Our new models include the:
DAGi Disc - Clear Tipped Stylus
Hex 4.5 - Fine Tipped Stylus
Leonardo - Fine High Touch Stylus
Check out our fine tipped iPad, iPhone or Android tablet/phone stylus pens.