News — galaxy

Qualcomm to Demo New Ultrasound-Based Pen Technology

Qualcomm wasn’t about to just let Samsung and Nvidia own that portion of the tablet market that is stylus-enabled. Samsung has been the dominant player in the stylus market for years, because they were the only ones to make pens that actually worked accurately enough to be useful for handwriting and drawing on a tablet. Pretty much all of the “capacitive styluses” are no better than our fingers, so having something that works like a real pen on a tablet was a huge improvement over the other solutions out there.   However, we haven’t really seen anyone else challenge Samsung...

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Shark Evolution for iOS and Android

Shark Evolution for iOS and Android Complete missions and find treasure to earn coins and gems. Spend these rewards on upgrading your sharks abilities or buy special life-saving items. Progress to unlock the most ferocious beasts in the sea: Mako Shark, Hammerhead, Tiger Shark and the almighty Great White. We sell iPad stylus pens, iPhone stylus pens and Android/Samsung/HTC stylus pens.

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Galaxy Note 2 will come with stylus

Samsung has improved the software to go along with the S Pen too. You can now hover over an email with the pen and see the first sentence of the message, customize what app pops up when you start writing on the screen, and still use Samsung's S Note, a combo note-taking and sketching application. And if you're worried you'd lose the pen, Samsung's come up with a solution for that. The phone will alert you with an alarm sound if the pen has been left behind somewhere.

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